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Saturday, November 12, 2005

Uruguay vs Australia - Just Because I'm Not Paranoid...

I'm very pleased to report that the antagonism, accusations and paranoia that I thought had ended with the final group games involving Nigeria has resurfaced in the run up to today's play off between Uruguay and Australia.

Both sides have been moaning to FIFA about the other. The Australians are claiming a campaign of intimidation while their Uruguayan hosts has somehow managed to revise the schedule for today's match to ensure that the Australian team misses their return flight.

This in response to the Australians refusal to reschedule the first leg in order to allow their opponents more recovery time before the second leg in Australia. FIFA has had to intervene on the start time of the match, meaning it is now to be played at 6 p.m. (20.00 GMT).

All this tension and bitching leads me to think that the Uruguayans are a little concerned that this time it might just be Australia who will play in World Cup Finals 2006.

posted by mark_s at 10:51 AM


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